Today I don’t feel hopeful. After discussing the news and reflecting on my reactions to a comment during a conversation, I feel a sense of disquiet, and I become frustrated to find myself still reacting this way!

Can you relate? Is there an action or area of life you still struggle with?

I know I have a choice. I can choose to focus on how I feel (justified or not) OR on the One who loves and delights in me. When I focus on my God and who He is, not to mention what He has done, I feel a sense of reverential awe begin to stir. I gain a better perspective of the One my focus is on – God. He is the Creator, the One who knows my thoughts, the One who understands me, and oh, how He loves me. Can you relate again? Do you know the One I am writing about? You can.

I was reading Isaiah 11:10  today. I was struck with the idea that the people listening to the words of Isaiah would have believed they would see You, Lord Jesus. They would have anticipated seeing You standing as their banner, seeing the nations come to You, and You being glorious… and they died believing this. So too their children, and their children’s grandchildren and so on – for hundreds of years.

I know this can sound a tad depressing if you don’t know the rest of the story.

BUT GOD, You had a plan – You always have a plan.

When I reread the verse in the context of the story of God’s people at this time, I see that You offer signs of what will occur before the day spoken of in verse 10. I am reminded that we who are called Your sons and daughters live in eternity, which offers us a ‘now and not-yet tension’.

I can get caught up focussing on what is currently happening (now), and I certainly need to live aware of what is happening; however, You invite me to look beyond, to gain an eternal perspective, to see the not-yet. You encourage me to allow this to stir hope within me.

Though I sometimes feel unfaithful or faithless, I remember and focus on the fact that He is always faithful, and I am reminded that the very fact that I believe in Him is an act of faith – my faith! So, the more I choose to focus on Him and stir my faith, the more this stirs my hope. He is my hope, and I begin to put my hope in Him and not in me trying to sort out my current circumstances.

Jesus encourages me to seek His Kingdom and righteousness first – to focus on Him, which activates my faith and stirs my hope to better choose to focus on my situation from His perspective. I can then begin to see my situation through His eyes rather than through mine with my limited view. The tension in ‘now – not-yet’ is lessened, and I start to feel brave and hopeful.

Pause and consider

I can ask – God, how do You see my situation? And God, what is Your perspective on this?

I can say – Even if I have faith the size of a tiny mustard seed, I know that You, Lord God are my hope, and I will choose to trust You. (If you don’t know Him to be this and would like to, please email me so I can discuss this further.

Reflect What is one thing that stops me from focussing on God?

What is one thing I can do to support my choice to seek Him?

Dear God, thank you that knowing You makes change possible. Thank You for loving me and wanting me to succeed. 

Further reading

In that day the root of Jesse, who shall stand as a signal for the peoples—of him shall the nations inquire, and his resting place shall be glorious.” Isaiah 11:10 ESV

Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.” Hebrews 11:1 TPT

““So above all, constantly seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.” Matthew 6:33 TPT

Our faith in Jesus transfers God’s righteousness to us and he now declares us flawless in his eyes. This means we can now enjoy true and lasting peace with God, all because of what our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, has done for us. Our faith guarantees us permanent access into this marvelous kindness that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy bursts forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory!” Romans 5:1-2 TPT